The abacus (plural abaci or abacuses), also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool that was in use in the ancient Near East, Europe, China, and Russia, centuries before the adoption of the written Arabic numeral system.[1] The exact origin of the abacus is still unknown. The abacus essentially consists of a number of rows of movable beads or other objects, which represent digits. One of two numbers is set up, and the beads are manipulated to implement an operation involving a second number (e.g., addition), or rarely a square or cubic root.

About Indian Artistic  Abacus

Indian Artistic  school is an innovative skill development and education company focused on equipping children  with the skills and attitude needed to compete the dynamic world of 21st century. Indian Artistic 's high quality unique programs  help children in studies, memory, concentration,  creativity, planning, self confidence and to grow as a great leader.

There is a crucial element in the brain called Synapse. It is a connector across which information flows from one brain cell to another. And this is crucial because it determines the child's mental strength and abilities.
The more synapses the better mental strength and abilities. And these grow at an alarming rate  during the child's early years.
You can stimulate the child's mental strength and abilities by retaining  as many synapses as possible.

The secret lies in  Positive Engagement and Whole Brain Training.

What is Indian Artistic  Mind Maths Junior?
An exclusively crafted brain development program for kindergarten children (5 to 7 years) to identify numbers and learn mathematical calculation with fun using colourful pictorial story learning methodology and to boost their mental capacity. The child will be able to calculate with speed and accuracy using his/her own mental power.

Benefits of Indian  Artistic Maths Junior

Enriches the brain power by starting in early ages
Understanding the concepts of Mathematics
Better Imagination
More attention and spatial memory
Better brain coordination
Creates a natural liking for Mathematics
Better creativity
Better concentration
Visual stimulation

Guidelines for parent

1.Ensure that your child does not miss a single class.
2.Help and guide your child to take the kit practice booksand abacus to class.
3. The daily home practice given to child is only to enhance the skills of the child.
4.Make sure that your child practices at home for minimum 15 minutes daily to master the skills.
5.Pleasedo not interfere with the course instructor's instructions.
6.Please be advised that parents are not permitted to sit inside the classroom.
7.Please get to know the progress of child.

Guidelines for students

1.Daily practice at home for a minimum of 15 minutes is mandatory to acquire the skills.
2.Always keeptrack of time and note your speed while doing the sums.
3. Write the answers in the exercise neatly and legible.
4. Complete the home practice in time.
5.Concentrate and do all the oral/ visual sums carefully.